Vertov Brings Video Annotation to Zotero

From the beginning of the Zotero project, I’ve said that we have bigger fish to fry than citation management, although Zotero does that quite well, thank you very much. (Case in point: Zotero recently beat Endnote, RefWorks, and all of the other big citation managers in head-to-head competition at CiteFest.)

Zotero aims to be a digital research platform, and an extensible one at that. That’s why it’s gratifying and exciting to see the brilliant and incredibly useful Vertov plugin for Zotero. Vertov allows Zotero users to cut video and audio files into clips, annotate the clips, and integrate their annotations with other research sources and notes stored in Zotero. It has terrific functionality and should be ideal for use in the classroom as well as by film scholars and other researchers.

Vertov Screenshot

Congrats and many thanks to Concordia University’s Digital History Lab, led by Elena Razlogova, for conceptualizing and executing this great plugin.

PC Magazine Best Free Software IssueAnd since it’s been a little while since I’ve done shameless cheerleading for Zotero, it’s humbling to get the recognition from PC Magazine that Zotero has, for the second year in a row, been declared one of the best free software applications.

3 responses to “Vertov Brings Video Annotation to Zotero”

  1. […] Dan Cohen’s Digital Humanities Blog » Blog Archive » Vertov Brings Video Annotation to Zotero: “” […]

  2. […] Vertov plugin adds video annotation to Zotero.  Zotero is an awesome research tool, and adding video to its list of impressive features is a […]

  3. […] Vertov plugin adds video annotation to Zotero. Zotero is an awesome research tool, and adding video to its list of impressive features is a big […]

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