Panel on the Future of Digital Publishing [Video]

I really enjoyed the 2011 HASTAC conference at the University of Michigan last weekend. Many interesting talks and project presentations, and less formal (but no less interesting) conversations in the hallways.

I particularly enjoyed the panel I was on with Tara McPherson and Richard Nash on “The Future of Digital Publishing.” Video of that panel is now available:

I expand upon several points I’ve been making in this space and elsewhere, such as PressForward‘s pyramidal scheme of assessment, the notion that scholarship can come in many forms and should shape journals rather than vice versa, the hidden cost of perfection, and the affordances of digital publishing.

4 responses to “Panel on the Future of Digital Publishing [Video]”

  1. […] Panel on the Future of Digital Publishing [Video] by Dan Cohen […]

  2. […] to experiment with ideas and benefit from their colleagues’ input. In his contribution to this panel on “The Future of Digital Publishing”, Dan Cohen notes the “democratizing” potential of personal research blogs or […]

  3. […] to experiment with ideas and benefit from their colleagues’ input. In his contribution to this panel on “The Future of Digital Publishing”, Dan Cohen notes the “democratizing” potential of personal research blogs or […]

  4. […] to experiment with ideas and benefit from their colleagues’ input. In his contribution to this panel on “The Future of Digital Publishing”, Dan Cohen notes the “democratizing” potential of personal research blogs or […]

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