Join Us for THATCamp!

THATCamp LogoWhile everyone is zigging, we’ve decided to zag here at the Center for History and New Media. The professional organizations may have their formal meetings with set panels and preplanned events; we’re pleased to introduce a completely informal—but we hope more productive and enjoyable—”unconference” called THATCamp: The Humanities and Technology Camp.

Join us at George Mason University from May 31 to June 1, 2008 for a totally spontaneous, participant-generated 48 hours of collaborative advancement of the art. Want to learn about an existing digital humanities tool or resource or interested in extending scholarly software or creating new software on the spot? THATCamp is for you. Please check out the full announcement for details. Seats are very limited, but dirt cheap, so please contact us as soon as possible if you would like to participate.

5 responses to “Join Us for THATCamp!”

  1. Dear Dan,

    I have a colleague who is interested in one of your digital history workshops. Are you doing any this summer, or is the THATCamp it?

  2. Unfortunately we just had a digital history workshop in New York last week; currently we don’t have one scheduled for this summer. THATCamp isn’t a soup-to-nuts workshop introducing people to digital history; it’s more for people who are already producing digital history and tools to learn about technologies in depth and to do some rapid prototyping and deployment.

  3. Thanks. When do you plan to have your next workshop? Your website hasn’t been updated in a very long time so it’s difficult to know when these events will be held.

  4. We have run out of funding for the workshops, but are hoping to find funding for additional ones since they have been so popular.

  5. […] is not until March 15, I wanted to remind readers of this blog who are interested in attending THAT Camp 2008 to apply as soon as possible. The available slots are filling up very quickly; we’ve gotten a […]

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