I’m the Vice Provost for Information Collaboration, Dean of the Library, and Professor of History at Northeastern University. (more about me)
“Break Expectations” — Where does the ability of AI to mimic human expression end? Poetry provides a helpful case study. July 24, 2024
“AI Comes for Music” — As the record labels sue AI companies for generating derivative songs, let us ask: What makes a song original and human anyway? June 27, 2024.
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Humane Ingenuity looks in depth at technology that helps rather than hurts human understanding, and human understanding that helps us create better technology. New issues are sent to subscribers about once a month.
Of Note
“The Books of College Libraries Are Turning Into Wallpaper,” The Atlantic. University libraries around the world are seeing precipitous declines in the use of the books on their shelves. Why is this happening and what does it mean for the future of libraries? May 26, 2019
“The Narrow Passage of Gortahig” — On the rugged western coast of Ireland, a critical road is a bit too narrow, and the locals like it that way. August 26, 2018